A boutique approach to headhunting


Still got questions?

Here are few of the most common ones people have for us.


Why do we need a search firm?

Many candidates don’t have the time to conduct a full scale job search.


And if they did, are you sure they would necessarily seek your church out over similar opportunities?

Would they find you?

That doesn’t even begin to address the candidate who isn’t actively looking but who might be responsive to opening the door of conversation if approached. Perhaps they are sensing that it is time to move on, but at this point its only a thought. Our team spends most of its time identifying and engaging this type of candidate. We work in confidence, allowing candidates to be open with us without ramifications. This allows us to reach candidates for your opportunity who simply other wised would not be reached.

More often than not, these are the ideal candidates.

Posting the open position on your organization’s website or on a job search site is a great first step. It’s effective attracting the candidate who is already pouring over church websites and job search sites actively looking. And that is one kind of candidate for you to consider. Frankly, you won’t need our help to find people who are aggressively looking.

What does it cost?

The fee is 25% of the first year’s baseline salary.

There are no surprise charges or additional expenses at the end.

Typically our Retained Searches are paid in two installments.

Upon engagement and upon placement of the selected candidate. Our Contingent Searches are paid in full upon placement of the selected candidate.

Typically, our first search engagement with any organization is a Retained Search. Any additional or subsequent searches are offered on a contingent basis.

We do a 24 month full replacement guarantee.

If the selected candidate leaves your organization within that window, we’ll facilitate another search at no additional expense. If the candidate leaves your organization in the third year of employment, we’ll facilitate another search at a service charge of 10% of first year’s baseline salary.

How long does it take?

An average timeline is three to six months.

This can vary, of course, and most of the search time is comprised of the interview process.

Every church has the freedom to run their own internal protocols.

If your organization makes decisions fairly quickly with a limited number of key stakeholders, then you will see that reflected in the amount of time required. If your process uses committees, that will have an impact on the amount of time required.

We have the most control over the first part of the process.

The time between completion of the Position Profile and first round interviews. In almost every case, you will be interviewing qualified candidates within six weeks.

Even more questions?

If so…